Happy Halloween!
We made it! It's the final day of the "31 Days" challenge! Wahoo! What a month it has been...
I went back to work for the first time in two years AND I went back to college for the first time in almost five years. I did it all while maintaining my Etsy shops, blogging and being a single mommy! Gosh...I'm sort of worn out just typing that, but I must say, my energy level has been GREAT! No complaints yet. I'm just happy to be supporting my son and being proactive toward a passionate career in interior design!
So, the real question is: Are you tired of PINK yet? As much fun as this month has been, I am ready to get back to normal on the blog front. I have a few ideas brewing, so look out for those...
Alright, let's do it to it...
I'd like to come full circle and remember the inspiration behind my PINK series...my SURVIVOR Aunt Cyndi. She has always been a constant in my life-pretty much one of my second mommies, and her children {as most of my cousins do} feel more like siblings. We try to stay close, because like so many families, we keep running into situations that remind us how lucky we are to have each other.
I love you, Aunt Cyn. You are an inspiration, during October and always!
Halloween is over, and Christmas is just 53 days away...
Are you geared up and ready?! The snow and lines are coming...Just avoid Walmart like the plague, and you'll be just fine!